Every day

10:00 - 21:00

26516822, 67018080

Phone number

26516822, 67018080







Tax free

Shop location


Gardener of Feelings

We at STENDERS are your gardener of feelings. Born and bread in
Northern Europe, from potent plants and flowers, STENDERS has
created innovative, unique and nature-inspired cosmetic products
for your daily urban routine. Each product has been formulated to
make your day blossom and the eyes shine. Let the feelings
penetrate everything around – yourself, your bathroom, your street
and people around. We are a team of creative, joyful and
knowledgeable people, who have been taken away by the idea of
having a different care – more wholesome, rich and full of
feelings. A care that allows to enjoy every moment. The feelings of
STENDERS have been captured in more than 300 unique cosmetic
products and these feeling live in nearly 180 enchanted boutiques
across the globe.

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Gift card

The gift card can be used in STENDERS stores throughout Latvia, as well as www.stenders-cosmetics.lv. Validity period is 6 months. Value from 20€ to 30€.

Gift card ilustration